nordhordland regional conference

Five TRANSFORMATIVE ideas developed

The Nordhordland Conference was established with the desire to create a regional identifier and a meeting place for regional resources. The conference had started a process for further development of a catalyst for regional development, brand building and positioning for the Nordhordland region. Already in 2011, we asked a number of questions that have not yet been resolved. The text below was written as topic for what was highlighted at the conference.

NUDA developed five transformative ideas for how regional development should prioritize its strategic development. Transformative ideas used in ongoing projects.

  1. Regional brand building
  2. Innovation and business development
  3. Infrastructure and communication
  4. Tourism and destination development
  5. Competence and technology

The region, even today, faces a number of challenges that highlight the need for enhanced cooperation and collaboration across industries and municipal boundaries. In order for the region to be able to consolidate a national and international position as a destination and attractive place to live, new strategic measures for regional development must be implemented in the years to come. Nordhordland will experience great growth in the coming years.

The proximity to Bergen is also made more visible in its relation to Bergen growing outwards and extending further and further north towards Åsane and further north.

How will Nordhordland take a stand on this growth? How will Nordhordland build a strong reputation as an attractive region? What role do municipalities and the public sector have in a future social development of Nordhordland? These are topics that were highlighted at the Nordhordland Conference 2011.

There is a desire for the Nordhordland region to stand together to create a strong and clear brand as a future-oriented region in close proximity to Bergen settlement offers, a rich labor market with dynamic growth and offers within new industries with the help of a strategic approach, cooperation and interaction in the region create a reputation as the preferred region for work, settlement and experiences.
By creating a new meeting place such as the Nordhordland Conference, a number of different actors in municipal administration, politics and industry come together with the purpose of working with the hosting role of the region and the individual municipality.

NK2011 was an initiative from NUDA in collaboration with Austrheim and Lindås Municipality.

Trond Giske, Minister of Trade and Industry
Bill Baker, Total Destination Management
Elad Eisenstein, Director of Planning and UD, ARUP
John M. Lunde, Adm. Dir Port of Risavika